Surya Namaskar
Service Description
I will be running a monthly class on a Sunday morning dedicated to Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar, more popularly known as Sun salutations introduces , movement , breath work , mantra and awareness. It is considered a complete yogic practice on its own . 12 individual asanas/poses flow from one to the other to complete a cycle which is performed on each side of the body . Completing both sides constitutes one complete cycle . We will be aiming to complete 12 rounds or maybe more and after we will relax to a calming and soothing yoga nidra to reset our bodies and nervous system . I personally practice this every morning and I couldn't imagine my day without it . it balances my mind and emotions , gives my body an amazing stretch and really sets me up for the day. I can't wait to share this with you . So come and join me 10am Sunday 12th May at Midlands Yoga and start your Sunday off with an amazing practice that will invigorate the rest of your day
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Midlands Yoga, East View, Glascote, Tamworth, UK